Image Classification App
Technology: Python, Pandas, Keras, TensorFlow, Matplotlib, Streamlit
A butterfly species image classification application based on the deep learning technique of Transfer Learning. The InceptionV3 model was used as the base model. Jupyter was used as the programming environment. Pandas, Keras and TensorFlow was used to prepare the data and train the model. The Streamlit library was used for the frontend.
Use the Test Images in this Kaggel notebook for testing the webapp
Customer Relationship Management Application
Technology: Java, MySQL, JavaFX, Javadocs
A CRM application written in Java and the JavaFX library for creating the GUI. This application connects to a MySQL database utilizing the JDBC connector. Documentation created using Javadocs. MVC was used as the software architechture pattern. Lambda functions were implemented which helped me reduce the amount of code written. This project was written in about 3000 lines of code.
Inventory Management Application
Technology: Java, MySQL, JavaFX, Javadocs
An inventory application to store and retrieve inventory into a database. Provides the ability to search by part name or id. It has a separate views for parts and items which are linked by their id, all parts associated with an item will appear in the parts list of said item. Thsi application was developed with Java, JavaFX, MySQL, and Javadoc tools.
Mail Routing Application
Technology: Python
A python console application that reads in delivery addresses from a csv file and calculates the shortest route to deliver all packages. The purpose of this excercise was to learn how to build hash maps from scratch and to understand how to implement data structures and algorithms on real world problems. Provides a console menu to check the status of a package by its package id, the status of all packages at a certain time and the total miles used to deliver all packages.