Western Governors University

November 2023

B.S. Computer Science

Western Governors University

July 2025

M.S. Data Analytics


  • Algorithm and Data Structures I
  • Algorithm and Data Structures II in Python
  • SQL I
  • SQL II
  • Java I
  • Java II
  • C++ I
  • Intro to AI


Butterfly Species Image Classification App

Image Classification Web Application designed to classify butterfly species written in Python

  • Transfer Learning was implemented by using the InceptionV3 Keras pre-trained model
  • Data preparation with Python Pandas library
  • Front-end was built with the Streamlit library

CRM Java Desktop App

CRM application using Java, JavaFX, and MYSQL

  • MVC pattern for system design
  • JDBC interface for connecting to a MySQL database
  • JavaFX used for the GUI
  • Implement i18n by using ResourceBundle and PropertyResourceBundle Class
  • Generated documentation by using Javadoc tool
  • More than 3000 Lines of code

University Mail Delivery System

A Python program where packages must be delivered with tight constraints. Built primarily to showcase problem-solving and algorithm skills.

  • Cannot use built-in libraries or data structures
  • Must build hash table from scratch
  • Implement a greedy algorithm to sort packages that would take the least amount of miles
  • Read in package address from a CSV file
  • Implement a command-line user interface for user to search package status at a given time

Bicycle Shop Data Entry

Data entry program for a bicycle shop to add, delete, and edit parts and pricing in the shop’s database, written in Java

  • Implemented the MVC design pattern
  • JavaFX GUI
  • Implemented in OOP paradigm.


Global Key LLC, Clifton, NJ April 2021 to September 2022

Junior Web Developer

  • Developed mobile-friendly HTML designs for eBay and other medical equipment e-commerce platforms.
  • Developed website with e-commerce capabilities using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, WordPress, and WIX.

Global Key LLC, Clifton, NJ February 2013 to April 2021

Medical Equipment Supervisor

  • Managed parts and equipment inventory database.
  • Supervised small team to pack and ship medical equipment internationally.
  • Worked closely with other departments, such as logistics, sales, accounting, and warehouse to resolve issues quickly.
  • Researched equipment documentation and created a library of most used service manuals.


  • Project +
  • ITIL 4